Thursday, August 14, 2008

Re: Inquiring about ns2 extension for MAC 802.15.3

I am currently servicing in military,
so I turn on my computer once in one week.

I have graduate form school, and ns-2 with 802.15.3 is my project in school.
About your question,
You can explorer the document in the tar ball of my site:

and search "Mustafa Demirhan" for his paper,

and look for the ns-2 mail list on

The information above may be useful.

Best regards,
Kun-Lung Hsieh

2007/2/14, Khaled amailef:
Hi ,

First I wanna thank you for the all information you provide. I am interesting in WPAN.
I run

I am just wondering how can I measure the following parameters:

1- End to End Delay
2- Packet loss and
3. Job Failure Rate ( JFR)

are there any TCL scripts for that?

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